Those crazy russians are at it again! As an IT professional, I use, at a minimum, a 40-bit alphanumeric password with ASCII special characters. Livejournal told me on the 30th of October it was "too easy" to guess! Furthermore, while
their rules explicitly state:
6 to 30 characters long.
At least 4 different characters.
At least 1 number or symbol.
At least 1 character that is not a number.
ASCII characters (characters found on a standard US keyboard).
Not based on your username, email address, displayed name, or a commonly-used password.
None of my 40-bit passwords work because of the caveat:
Your password cannot contain symbols such as @,_, (),etc.
I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to do here, since their password rules conflict. Its times like these I wish LJ had a phone number. 1-800-WTF-OVER? I'd totally call it!