Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet. (galinda822)
Train don't run out of Wichita...lessin' you're a hog or a cattle. (galinda822)
Everyone gets everything he wants. I wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me one. (celtmanx)
Personally, before I'm on the job, I like to give my undercarriage a bit of a 'how's your father'!(galinda822)
The fairy fucking godmother said it. Out-fucking-standing. I will PT you all until you fucking die. (lehah)
I don't deserve someone like you. But If I ever could, I swear I would love you for the rest of my life. (melancthe)
"It's magical!" "It's laughing at me!" "I wish I could brush my teeth with it!" "I wanna put my dick in it!" "I want it to put its dick in me!" (celtmanx)
Let me tell you, a double-fault final-play elimination hasn't occurred since the Helsinki episode of 1919, and I think we all remember how THAT turned out! (jesskd26)