so i'm finally done my first year. i've taken my final yesterday and i think i've done- no, i probably shouldn't say anything out of fear i will jinx my results.
i'm coming into my second year, lose some brain cells before september rolls around?
i came across
i am neurotic, and looking through i realized i haven't really thought about any quirks i have. but i do and i'm weirdly embarrassed to admit them:
- every time i touch my face, i have to push back my glasses at least twice even though i don't have to.
- when i'm trying really hard to remember something i jump up and down and do jumping jacks, that is in the privacy of my own home, until i can remember it.
- when i think of my own or second-hand embarrassing moments, i murmur "i love you" or some previous crushes' name multiple times until i think i can forget about it.
- whenever i'm approaching the crosswalk with the little man still on, i have to stop. i always wait for the little man to turn to the red hand, wait for the green stoplight to turn red again, and then when i know it turns to the little man that's when i walk because somehow i feel it's a clear affirmation that i can in fact cross the street without fear of getting hit by a car unexpectedly.
- when i don't rip a page from my notebook cleanly, i roll it up into a ball, unroll it, and doodle on it until it's filled so i don't feel like i've "wasted" it.
- i absolutely hate it when i write some really long sentence and the last word has to be on a new line, so i cross off a part of the sentence, write it out smaller to make room for the last word.
- when i want my brain to get rid of something i don't want to think about, like NSFL material, i say purple spotted dinosaurs, but i picture purple dinosaurs with pink spots.
i realized that's exhaustive, i hope i'm not that weird.