молодые люди Владимир, Сергей,

Jun 15, 2011 12:18

vladimirrannev  и selega
иначе говоря, познакомился с композиторами Ранневым и Хисматовым, хорошие, светлые, исполненные идей.
у Владимира Раннева 17-го у нас в Перми будет опера "Синяя Борода. Материалы дела", в большом зале филармонии, в 19:00, такая телега.
играет петербургский eNsemble. мы с ребятами (S.O.) идём туда.
приходите и вы, мои таинственные пермские читатели и гости культурной столицы.

тему единения продолжается повсюду: наш дорогой Клаус Бургер, который кроме тубы, очевидно, играет на диджериду (и давал мастер-класс пермским музыкантам) переслал такую рассылку от сайта Didjshop.com:

Dear Klaus Burger,

On Wednesday 22 June 2011 will be the winter solstice for us down under in Australia, Southern Africa and South America (or for those of you in the northern hemisphere the summer solstice) and that means at sunset it will be time for all of us together to send a wave of didj-sound around the globe.

Yes it is time for another Worldwide Didgeridoo Mediation! <...>
In the last Worldwide Didgeridoo meditation on 21st March 2011 there were well over 500 registered locations in well over 50 countries, covering most time zones! You can check out the world map of that event showing all the places where people did participate.
THANKS again for everyone who helped to make that didj wave the biggest one so far!

Please help to make this upcoming global Didj Wave even bigger and stronger by participating at your local sunset time on 22nd June 2011.
Simply play your didj for 45 minutes (and this does not have to be continuous) when the sun is setting and then sit in silence for 15 minutes afterwards. If you cannot play didj, simply listen to some didj music or play another instrument. Meditate on the importance of humanity to take care of the land, as Aboriginal people have done for tens of thousands of years.<...>

ami amo, кобытие, musik

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