Bound to Happen

Sep 12, 2009 16:11

To change someone, you have to destroy who they used to be.  That's what makes it so much harder to change back.  Our experiences are what change us and since we can't erase our past, it makes it that much harder to be who we used to be.  We grew up.  We know better now.  Ignorance is bliss and life is what kills our joy.  I really wish we could all maintain our innocence without staying naive about the way the world works.  Best of both worlds.

It seems like all I do these days is work and watch Heroes.  I love that show.  It's just annoying how someone has to die like every single episode.  I'm finishing up Season 2 today and then I have to find a way to squeeze 25 episodes in the next week before the new season begins.  Work is nice.  I just need more hours.  A lot more hours.

I want to get my tattoo already.  Except I don't have an exact idea of what yet.  Or the money.  But I will be getting it in the next month.  And it shall be epic.  That is all.

It feels nice to write in this again.  It's kind of a nostalgic feeling to the days of being 16.  Back when I used to write in this every single day, sometimes 2 or 3 times in a day.  As if my life were ever that interesting.  Well I suppose it had it's interesting moments.  But I still prefer my other blogging tools.

Once said always said
I will hold the past over your head
I'll speak my mind whenever I feel slighted
I am hellbent on extracting all of my revenge
So take heart, sweetheart
Or I will take it from you
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