She said I reminded her of Holden Caulfield, presumably because we were both self-absorbed losers.
I'm tired of being compared to these fictional characters. And reading that today put the biggest -_____- face on me. It seems I'm the star of every new book and movie but I can't find anyone around me that I have so much in common with. It's a disconcerning feeling to say the least. I want to blend in more than stand out. I want to stand out without calling so much attention to myself. Freakshows are only entertaining for a while before you either need a new one to stay entertained or you just go home. My nose is now colored orange and green and I'm wondering how that happened. Oh so invisible. Oh... so... invisible.
Who would have thought that a simple conversation six and a half months ago about breaking body parts and the fact that I don't have one useful talent in the world would lead to this? That one simple glance and funny moment would turn into what we have. I'm just glad it did. Even if you are a major pain in the ass ;]