May 03, 2005 12:22
Sunday I went to North Georgia to visit Kristin and spent the night.
Yesterday, while Kristin and I were walking around the Drill Field,I
looked around and realized how ready I was to go up there. Despite my
outward excitement, I have been inwardly really nervous that I was not
going to be able to physically do the Corps, or just fit in. But from
what I heard from Adam (Kristin's room mate's boyfriend) and from
Kristin, I will be fine as long as I have fun and be myself. The only
thing I am really worried about now is being labeled as a "Corps
Whore". Those are girls who just join the Corps of Cadets so they can
be around all the guys and that quit after their first semester. I am
determined to not be labeled a Corp Whore from the start, which means I
should probably work out for longer than an hour and a half every day.
I will be ready for this. And if I am the slowest, that is ok. If I
can't hold out as long as the others, that is ok. As long as I push
myself to the limits, then my speed and my endurance doesn't matter.
I'm really excited now. Forty seven days left until school. I can't wait to just go out be the new me.
I've been really happy lately. It makes me feel good to feel like
this. I am so satisfied with life right now it is obnoxious. Working
out is fun to me. I make myself laugh when I sing in the car. I don't
think I've really felt this good on my own ever. Its like the little
stuff makes me happy and I love it. I still am a little touchy in some
places, but I get over it quick. My mom said that my life has always
has a lot of traumatic stuff happening in it. I mean, look at my
freakin past. And now its incredible because everything is right right
now. Thats never happened. Sometimes I say to myself "This isn't right.
I can't feel this good. This doesn't happen to people like me." But it
does. I guess before I just never saw it.