Nov 06, 2004 14:57
well it's Saturday and I haven't written anything in here yet since I set it up.
well lets see..Wednesday Keri came over on my bus and we ate pizza then I drove down to see my employer and I picked up some stone. Then we drove down the road and parked and went down and hung around the bridge. Then we went to see Keri's friend but she was at volleyball practice, which was really too bad cuz that meant we'd have to drive back down when it was dark...;) so then we went back to my house and watched the Butterfly Effect and then ate pizza again. Then we went down the road again and parked at the we were walking to see her friend and a car came down the road and the turned around and came back and the girl asked us if we needed a ride home cuz she saw us at the bridge earlier. that was so nice. but we said no and walked like two more feet to her friends house. then we came back home and hit the hot tub..more fun..then her mom came and we went downstairs to get changed and again..more fun..then she went home.
then on Thursday night I went home with Morgan on the bus. we messed around a little at her mom's and morgan pantsed her when she was up on the ladder taking down Halloween decorations. LMAO. then we went to her dads house to get in the hot tub. in the process of looking for towels we found a six pack of "soda". :D then we went to get in and the water was like boiling. so we got the ice cube trays and put all the ice cubes in, but it was still to hot so we had to go get the hose but it didn’t reach around the house so we just brought it through the house. we finally got in and floated around. then her mm called but we didn’t get out to answer. so then she came and came in the house and started flipping out and morgans like mom can you help me clean this up and shes like clean what up and then shes like umm nothing. then she saw and shes like oh morgan thats just great. then she took me to her house and my dad was there. I went home and tried to shower. then I talked to morgan and julie on the fone for a few minutes and then Keri finally called me cuz she was out all night with her other boyfriend at the mall and a movie. then I went to bed.
then last night I went home with Keri on her bus and we went to her aunt's;) then we went down to her basement to "put the dogs out" and more fun down there. then we went downtown and I went to the pharmacy. then we went to the park and had some fun on a picnic table. then we went back to her house and ate. she always has the best food at her house! then we went up and watched freddy vs. jason and had some fun on her floor. but then her mom came up. then she went back downstairs and then we did it on her floor again and finished this time with no interruption. then we watched the movie til I got picked up.:( then I came home and passed out.
umm now im gunna go get ready to go to the mall..
see you cats laterr