Nox: Log of Bill Being Sent out Again

Oct 24, 2004 22:13

Entry: AIM Log, Bill's reactivation
Rating: NC-17 (when isn't it?)
Reason: See below. I'm a lazy fuck.

Bill: ... because damn, we're hot.
Tonks: Absolutely. And, I can always run off.
Bill: ... run off where?
Tonks: Wherever you are. ::hug::
Tonks: Not like they could track me, right?
Bill: *pulls her close, kissing her neck* I thought you meant run off without me.
Tonks: Why would I do that? Give up all this great sex? Never.
Bill: *sits down on the sofa, pulling her with him* *doesn't say anything*
Tonks: ::sniffs unhappily:: This stinks. Still, I can't really complain, can I?
Bill: Of course you can. *closes his eyes, kissing her forehead*
Tonks: Well, I mean at least people aren't trying to kill you. I know it bothers you. Seems like fair medicine to me. ::snuggles into his neck and nibbles::
Bill: There's curses that are a lot worse than someone kiling me. And I get to go tinker with them. *quietly* It is a risk. I need you to know that.
Tonks: I know. ::unhappy sigh:: I don't like it at all.
Bill: You don't have to like it. Just... just know.
Tonks: Fair enough. It just... argh. I'll be gone, you'll be gone, we're both trying to get ourselves killed.
Bill: I might not be someone you want to be around if one of those things backfire. *quietly* I'd... I'd understand, I mean.
Tonks: Don't be dense. ::pulls up shirt and points:: Have you seen Moody lately?
Bill: *traces her scars with his fingers, watching her with half-open eyes* ... that's not what I mean. It's not always scars.
Tonks: It's a bit scary. ::pulls down shirt and launches herself at him:: I don't want you to go.
Bill: *wraps his arms around her, pulling her close* I won't stay away long. I'll come home to you as soon as I can, I promise.
Tonks: I'm being... silly. I mean, you've had to watch me go out all summer. I just, I guess I didn't realise it felt like this. ::buries her face in his chest::
Bill: *strokes her hair, kissing along her forehead* It's... don't worry about it, love. It's fine. It gets... it gets easier. And you have to stay focused on YOUR missions, or you'll end up slipping up. Just come home safe, that's all I need.
Tonks: You have to do the same then. ::digs her fingers into his arms:: I don't want to be without you. I just caught you.
Bill: *quietly* You won't lose me. I promise.
Tonks: If you say so, love. ::sniffles quietly::
Bill: *against her forehead* ... how could I prove it? I'll do anything to make you know I love you.
Tonks: I know you love me. I just hate being away from you. I was just getting ready to start refusing certain duties if I had to. Some things just weren't worth the risk. I just... I want to be here, with you, and be happy and together and not have to deal with any of this.
Bill: *quietly against her hair* ... I don't want to deal with it either. But... I want a safer world for our children. I want us to be ABLE to rest and be together. But we can't do that until it's all over. And maybe Albus can use me better this way. We... we can't ignore that.
Tonks: I know. You're right. I don't have to like it though. I want to be selfish and petty.
Bill: *without the usual pervyiness* Do that and I'll have to punish you. * holds her closer though*
Tonks: ::smiling slightly:: You'll let me know what you're up to, right?
Bill: *strokes her back* Before Albus, if I can swing it.
Tonks: Good. That will help, I think. ::runs a hand up and down his arm:: I guess it will be okay, in the end.
Bill: It won't be more than a couple weeks here and there, I promise. *kisses her neck*
Tonks: Here's hoping we're not on opposite schedules.
Bill: *gently tickles her sides* Oh, we won't be. Promise that.
Tonks: ::laughing and squirming:: I'll do my best. I'll have a talk with old Moody and Kingsley.
Bill: *smirks, leaning in to leave little nibbles along her collarbone* I'll have a talk with 'em. Tell 'em I want my woman in my bed, not their field. *smirk*
Tonks: Are you hitting on me, Bill Weasley? ::tangles her fingers in his hair and pulls him closer::
Bill: *leans down, pulling her shirt off with his teeth and sucking at the skin* I'm not hitting on you. I want to fuck you right here, right now. Nothing subtle about it.
Tonks: Oh, that's good then. I was beginning to think I had the wrong Weasley with me. ::tosses her bra away and tugs his shirt off, tearing it a bit::
Bill: *smirks* Someone's anxious. *reaches his hands around to cup her arse, teasing slightly as he mutters an incantation to sever the seams of her knickers and trousers* Oops. *throws the shreads away*
Tonks: You'll be replacing those, Mr. Good-Money. I've lost more clothes to you this summer... ::leans back and runs her hands down her body::
Bill: *grasps a nipple with his teeth, fingers teasing her arse* You say it as if you minded.
Tonks: ::gasping:: I can't go to work naked, you know. Oh, right there, that's the ticket love. ::moans::
Bill: *bites just a touch harder, letting his fingers do the walking, so to speak*
Tonks: ::moving instinctively against his hands:: Keep that up, it'll be a short trip.
Bill: Want you ready. *smirks slightly* Up for something new? *nudges his hips* I know I am.
Tonks: With you, always love. ::kisses him wickedly::
Bill: *grabs wand and accio's something from the medicine cupboard, coating his fingers* If you don't like it...
Tonks: I'll slap you in the face and call you bitch... yes yes... on with it love...
Bill: *bites her neck as he slides them into her, sucking a touch as he lets them explore*
Tonks: ::gasps at the intrusion and tries to relax:: Aaaahhh... ::moves her hips slightly backwards to accomodate::
Bill: *leans up towards her ear, moving a touch slower* Just relax, it'll help. *scissors just slightly*
Tonks: ::forces herself to relax:: I'm trying love... ::nibbles at his jaw and then kisses him, long and deep as she continues to relax::
Bill: Well... *uses his other hand to stroke her center* Then let me help distract you, at least...
Tonks: You do that, love... ::begins sliding her hips a bit, looking for comfort and pleasure at the same time::
Bill: *doesn't speed up in the slightest, wanting her to tell him when she's comfortable* There's no rush... we have all night...
Tonks: ::finally finding a good position and enough relaxation in her body:: Shut up Weasley and fuck me.
Bill: Your wish is my command... *groans slightly as he coats his own length, then rests the head just against her entrance* ... are you sure?
Tonks: No. But might as well try, love. ::grins at him encouragingly and slides down a bit, helping him::
Bill: *makes a sound that can only be termed a grunt, but won't push ahead* ... Tonks, no. If you aren't sure...
Tonks: ::kisses him to shut him up and slides down a bit more::
Bill: *almost trying to pull away, but DAMN that feels good* ... love, you don't have to... *muffled*
Tonks: ::nibbles on his lower lip as she slides a bit more::
Bill: *practically whimpering* Tonks!
Tonks: Yes love? ::bites an earlobe::
Bill: *holding her hips still* Tonks, you don't have to do this.
Tonks: ::kisses him sweetly:: But I want to. How will I know if I like it or not, if we don't try?
Bill: *groans, still trying to hold back* If you're... unsure... *biting his lips* It's not easy the first time...
Tonks: You're sweet. I love you. Shut up. ::slides down a bit more::
Bill: *finally can't take anymore and slides in completely* Fuck...
Tonks: Fuck! ::pauses for a minute:: Ah... that's alright then. Go slow love. ::goes back to kissing him::
Bill: *groans against her lips and does just that*
Tonks: ::adjusts a bit here and there to get comfortable and grabs a free hand of his, encouraging him to resume certain other activities::
Bill: *does so, quite enthusiastically actually, biting her neck as he tries to keep from coming FAR too soon*
Tonks: Merlin, Bill! ::begins to moan in rhythm to his thrusts::
Bill: *moving faster now, trying to get her to her peak, as he can't hold out much longer at all*
Tonks: ::begins calling his name out, over and over::
Bill: *presses harder against her center, using two fingers there to have all SORTS of fun* Come for me, Nymph...
Tonks: ::obeys blindly, latching her teeth onto his neck violently::
Bill: *doesn't hardly notice, just thrusts against her almost violently himself, finally stilling after a long cry of her name*
Tonks: Holy... oh, I have to move... ::crawls off of him to the side, and sighs happily::
Bill: *sits like he's been shot* ... fuck.
Tonks: That was.... something. ::reaches out to rub his thigh::
Bill: ... we'll have to stick to th e normal way. That just about kills me. *pulls her against him, staring in front of him still*
Tonks: Me too. It'll be okay once in a while. ::pauses:: Talk to me.
Bill: ... I don't know what to say. *weak grin down at her* Tomorrow, you're gone. Three days later, I'm gone. That has a way of sticking to the mind.
Tonks: Tell me what you'll miss while we're apart. My ego is short-fed these days.
Bill: I'm going to miss you watching me while I sleep in the morning. *strokes her hair* I know you do that. I'm going to miss your smile.
Tonks: Figured you'd know that. I'm going to steal all your shirts so I can wear them while you're gone. They smell like you.
Bill: Don't know why you'd want to smell like a great ox. *rubs her shoulder* I'm going to miss your laugh. When you sneak biscuits from the kitchen and think I don't see it.
Tonks: I like your smell. ::swats him:: It was the first thing I noticed after you kissed me the first time. I'll miss the smell of whiskey on your breath when you swear you didn't stop at the pub with the boys on your way home.
Bill: *laughs* I'm being honest, you know. I have a nip at my desk now and then. *mutters against her hair* I hate desk work.
Tonks: I know you do, love. That's why I'm trying to be supportive. I think you'll be happier, in a way.
Bill: I won't be happier without you. *pulls her back into his lap, kissing deeply*
Tonks: You won't really be without me, love. I've been gone a lot anyway. You just won't be stuck here waiting for me to come back. ::presses against him firmly::
Bill: *wraps his arms around her waist, smiling against her neck* We'll try to even out the waiting.
Tonks: That seems fair. You're still cleaning the loo, however. That's man's work if you ask me. ::hides her sad face against him:: Its maddening that I fall in love, and things go well for once, and then life shifts. I guess I can adapt.
Bill: *leans in, kissing her shoulder* I'll clean the loo. But this isn't exactly going BADLY, you know.
Tonks: Oh! ::looks up:: I didn't mean it that way. Not about you. ::kisses him possessively:: I guess I'm just insecure. What if someone steals you away, and I kill them and go to Azkaban?
Bill: *strokes his chin thoughtfully* ... wait, you'd fight another woman for me? That'd be rather... well, bloody hot.
Tonks: Fight? No. Murder, yes. It runs in the family you know. You're not considering it, are you? You wouldn't make out well in the deal either.
Bill: Naw, I just wanted to see you fight some girl for me. *smirks*
Tonks: You should see me shopping then. Although it wouldn't be about you. You're supposed to be reassuring me.
Bill: Right, right. Sorry about that. *grins and kisses her nose* Did I mention your fantastic body? I'll miss that loads.
Tonks: ::sniffs:: Humph.
Bill: *kissing along her collarbone* But I think I'll miss you teasing me more. I do love that...
Tonks: I can do that through the journals. It'll be entertaining, if nothing else. ::prods him in the chest:: Tell me you'll miss me and think of me every night.
Bill: *utterly serious* I'll miss you and think of you every second.
Tonks: You're going to make me cry, and then my nose will be all red... ::sniffs:: Me too.
Bill: It doesn't matter, your nose would still be beautiful red. *kisses it again*
Tonks: ::snickers as a few naughty thoughts cross her mind::
Bill: *eyebrow arch*
Tonks: I have other things that look good red, but you haven't explored that yet.. not sure I want to encourage your wicked ways.
Bill: *other eyebrow* ... I could have sworn I'd explored that...
Tonks: ::looks back:: not red. sorry.
Bill: ... all right, now I'm bloody confused, so we have to drop the vaugness.
Tonks: That's alright dear. I keep forgetting how innocent you are. ::kisses him::
Bill: *offended!* Now just hold on here! What are you on about?
Tonks: Now don't be like that love. Its nothing.
Bill: *semigrowl* Tell me!
Tonks: Make me.
Bill: *immediately bites down on one of her nipples, thrusting two fingers deep inside* Tell me now.
Tonks: ::gasp:: Nope. Not telling. ::arches up::
Bill: *harshly thrusting his fingers, biting harder* Tell me NOW.
Tonks: ::happy moan and hip shifting:: Sorry, nope. ::gasp:: Not convincing me.
Bill: *pulls back, stopping completely* I think I am.
Tonks: ::wicked grin:: Guess you'll just have to spank it out of me, then.
Bill: *eyebrow arch* ... is that what you want? Me smacking your arse hard?
Tonks: There should be tossing over the lap involved in there as well. ::wink::
Bill: *grabs her and practically throws her onto his lap, his hands smoothing over her arse, just barely grazing between her thighs* This is what you want? A bare, red arse?
Tonks: Sounds lovely. ::wiggles:: Get on with it then. I've been horribly naughty, after all.
Bill: *first slap hits hard and fast, the noise sharp* Yes, yes you have.
Tonks: ::happy sigh::
Bill: *harshly* Oh, clearly you're going to have to be taught properly. *second, third* NOT to take this as anything but a punishment...
Tonks: ::wiggling against the pain, and other things:: Yes sir.
Bill: *runs his fingers down between her legs again, then slaps hard* That's right. Sir.
Tonks: ::arches into him, whimpering happily::
Bill: *practically throws her against the edge of the sofa, then slides into her, biting her shoulder* ... I think that's enough as we can manage, don't you?
Tonks: Yes, sir. ::thrusts back into him::
Bill: *strokes hard, trying to bring a peak that is somehow way too far away*
Tonks: Admit it, you like seeing your handprints there in front of you. ::sighs happily::
Bill: They do match perfectly, don't they? *smirks, thrusting harder* Touch yourself, Nymph.
Tonks: If you insist. ::her hand slides down between her thighs, rubbing cheerfully, occassionally bumping him as he moved::
Bill: *groans, leaning down to bite on her neck, going faster now than he thinks he should be able*
Tonks: ::babbles happily to encourage him, throwing his name out regularly::
Bill: Come, Tonks... Nymph, come... *leaving marks all along her back*
Tonks: ::holding off as long as she can before finally giving in.:: Bill!
Bill: *shudders and falls against her back, panting* ... so THAT'S what you meant.
Tonks: Well, yes. Shall I hint at other things, or shall we sleep a bit?
Bill: Hint, hint... riding up my curiousity, that's all you're doing.
Tonks: I have to save some things to keep you interested, now don't I?
Bill: No, trust me on this. *nibbles on her neck, pulling her tight against him* I'll always be interested.
Tonks: Really? That's good to know. ::yawns slightly:: I think you've broken me.
Bill: *strokes her hair* I hope not.
Tonks: You'd better. Budge up, love? I want to lay on you.
Bill: *does so, quite cheerfully*
Tonks: ::curls up on him:: Such a nice, big man I've caught. I should make you carry me everywhere, like a princess.
Bill: Oh, please. I'm not your litter. That'd just be downright demeaning.
Tonks: I'd pay. In naughty, wicked ways.
Bill: I need to hear your terms.
Tonks: You mean you'd consider it? Stunning.
Bill: It's going to come down to the TERMS.
Tonks: Greedy. That's what you are. I've decided I don't want you to carry me everywhere, as you clearly do not worship me. Instead, I shall simply lead you around on a leash and collar, to mark you as mine.
Bill: ... wait, how do I LOSE in this?
Tonks: Well, you don't really. Its a win-win for both of us. And I promise to not make you go shopping with me, as well. Aren't I a splendid girl?
Bill: ... why am I so tired right now? If I wasn't, we could be having sex RIGHT NOW.
Tonks: Because we wore each other out. I don't even remember what we were talking about when we started.
Bill: ... was it the sofa?
Tonks: No... that was last night.
Tonks: And we need to get those spots out before they set.
Bill: Eh. Cleaning spells. Right? Won't those work? *sounds as lazy as he IS*
Tonks: Here's hoping, otherwise you can never have your mother over. ::wraps her arms around his neck:: At least carry me to bed? I'm exhausted. Otherwise, we'll have to sleep here again and you whinged all morning about your back hurting.
Bill: That's because my back DID hurt, and it hurt a lot. *picks her up easily, as if she weighs nothing and carries her off to the bedroom, crawling in bed* We'll get a good few hours, wake up and shag some more then. *smirk*S ound all right?
Tonks: Sounds lovely. ::climbs half on top of him and cuddles up:: Not going to sleep well with you gone. ::sniffles:: Remind me to steal your shirts.
Bill: *nods* I'll leave a few for you.
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