Dec 07, 2009 00:26
I haven't posted in soo long. Here are some things that have happened.
-Got laid off at the end of October. My company lost it's contract to locate for Qwest, which was 40% of our workload. I was the low man, so I was out.
-Got called back by Locating Inc 2 weeks later and offered a new job. I am now the Fieldcheck Auditor for Washington State, responsible for quality control of all locating records.
-Was tempted into being creative by Rob, who was doing the NaNoWriMo. I don't really like the idea of writing to a deadline, or writing a specific amount, so instead I wrote out a speculative screenplay of an anime series I had envisioned with a friend. Foreign Exchange Club is done and available to anyone with the curiosity to want to know what it's about.
-Discovered that I'm way behind on one of my medical debts. For some reason they stopped sending bills when I was behind a month earlier this year. It's a bit of a mess that I'm still untangling, but it should eventually be alright.
-It's December already? Jesus, I don't even remember when it was Novembering
-Finishing Foreign Exchange Club has inspired me to move on and work on another project. I'm currently gravitating towards a story about one of the great loves of my life, professional wrestling. So far all I have is a working title, which is Champion.