Mar 29, 2008 23:07
So I paid up my insanely-late bills today, going from new paycheck to I-can't-afford-to-eat-or-buy-gas in a record five minutes. Well this isn't entirely true but it certainly feels that way. I do like how pretty much every one of my bills comes with a warning that they'll be notifying collections soon, as if I can somehow conjure up money if they threaten me enough. By my current calculations I'll be paid up on all of this mess sometime around the 20th of Nevervember.
Read the final installment of Death Note a couple days ago. I command you all to read this series and love the living crap out of it. In other comics news I read the Minx preview and am inordinately stoked about the sequel to The Plain Janes. If you haven't read /that/, well, then you've got one more book to purchase and love the crap out of.
My Janes are GENIUSES!
I feel like my emotions are just running out of control. Boss is stressing me over what is and is not my job, when to be honest he ought to be happy that at least one of his receivers actually cares to stay busy, gets the damn prices and location coding done ASAP and helps out the massively understaffed lumber yard by working on freight. Bills are nuts. I think my car needs to have some work done, but I won't be able to afford that until some time next year. Hear me baby? Hold together. Folks harping on being ready to go to my brother's wedding, which is at the end of May in Minnesota and I fucking DO NOT want to get into an airplane. This upcoming week the radiation starts and I'm scared as hell that they're going to fuck up and burn my saliva glands out or damage my carotid artery. Spring is in the air, I'm 33 and my prospects of finding love are as bad as ever because I'm such an antisocial emotional mess.
Please wake me up in 10 years after I've lost 20 pounds, won the lotto and been introduced to Superhooker. Or Space Hooker. Maybe Super Spacehooker. However you slice it I expect if I want lovin' I'll be paying up, Cash Only No Checks We Need Ones and Fives.