Oct 02, 2005 13:39
I've got a nasty bruise on my forehead from last night... Sounds lots more fun than it actually was...
I got entirely too excited while concocting my henna potion and left a kitchen cabinet open... 3 seconds later, I whipped around and smacked right into it... No good. So I have a blue mark to accentuate the lovely fire red of my cinnimon scented hair. Neat.
I'm considering taking the lion to go see Corpse Bride today... I'm not sure if this will fly or not. I want to go, of course, but I"m worried it might freak her out a bit. PG movies are nothing new to her, and she enjoyed Nightmare... hmmm. guess we will have to see. Am I a terrible mom for forcing her to watch such things?
Labyrinth didn't even get past the first few scenes... and I didn't think she'd have a problem with that at all.
I'm down to the last bits of my Lush henna. I'm going to have to try some other kind I suppose. I wish I could find it locally. Actually, I wish I could afford a HUGE ASS Lush online order.... I ned some Arabian Bright and a few Youki Hi's and some of the new jellies and and and.... Damn it. I wish I was still in DC.
SO I ventured out with the Lion to Best Buy And B&N. ... Got the recent Oasis album as well as ***GASP*** the NEW HORRORPOPS!!!! happy girl indeed.
at the bookstore i got Anansi Boys, Mr Gaiman's latest and the newer issues of Bust, Bitch, and Ms.
that should keep me sated for a bit, yes.
I'm so bored and... I wish the boy would think to call me... I have a sinking feeling that I think of him muchmuch more than he thinks of me.
That's how is seems to go.