I have three shrubs just like this in my back yard, AND THEY NEED CUT. So far I have cut 2/3, so I'm on a roll! The back yard is so bad that it looks like a jungle. Ugh.
My car needs cleaned. I need to don a hazmat suit just to enter it. There's no way a driver's ed dude is going to get in it. Time to break out the Clorox! The new Kia is a stunning shade of dark blue, but it rides really high. I miss the low feel of the Volkswagen! On the other hand, I feel extremely lucky to have the old Volkswagen for myself. Woo!
I unearthed a button making kit from the 60's yesterday! Unfortunately, it hardly works. I can't get the press to work, so all I end up with is bent alunminum, and I really don't want to pay $30 for a new one. That's dumb.
Drumline started up again! We already have a wild party on Friday night, and that's just the beginning! I don't think the new kids know what they're in for. I can't believe I've been on the line for four years! That's just crazy! I'm not going to get a larger bass this year because we have smaller kids moving up to bass who need it more than I do. And unfortunately le ex-boyrfriend's girlfriend took the one I wanted. I don't want drama to start up between her and I again (good lord, let me keep my temper), so I'm trying to be nice... with my teeth clenched. After the whole pit drama, I didn't think she would want anything to do with me, but there she is, waltzing into my territoy! Some people just ask for drama.
On a funny note,
WTH? Bottled water for your dog? Ridiculous! XD