Another morning post...

Mar 31, 2005 06:07

Hey everyone...I'm making another early moring post becuase I was to lazy to make one last night ^^; I had lots of homework to do then I went to my older brothers baseball game, which they sadly lost =(!!

But yeah, I don't know if it's the warm weather that we've been having but what ever is going on here it's making all the damned spiders decide to just come out and scare the hell outtta me!! I saw another one yesterday that was 5 times bigger then the one that I saw in homeroom!! ::Shudders:: These things just live the scare me!!

I was washing my hair when I glanced up at the ceiling for a moment and saw this big black thing in the corner walkin along the wall O_O..I fucking ran out of the shower to go and take a bath because I didn't want that thing falling off the wall and landing on me!! I haven't been in that bathroom since ^^;

SO yeah, I'm getting ready for school again...I have gym today which mean I have to write a damn report since my leg is in a cast and I can do anything (><)!! Damn cast, always ruins everything!! Oh, and there's a track meet today which I, once agani, can't go to ;_;!! Oh well, I guess I'll just havet to make the best of this day =^_^=!! Byes everyone!!

<3 Sammi
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