Someone I once were...

Oct 08, 2006 23:58

3 years ago, during my mundane uni days, pre-arnis, pre-roleplaying, pre-Tal, I was but the only dreamer in a society of success driven young adults. We were asked to write a paper about ourselves, in English. I wrote mine with complete sharing of the heart, thinking I am special.
I got it back with a 90 and a remark it lacked spirit. I was shattered. "What do you mean it lacks the spirit? it is my life! my inner self! how can it possibly...?".
Reading it now, 3 years later, I understand completely what he meant. It does lack passion. It lacks the living spirit. It is like the difference between reading a book and experiencing the events yourself.

Warrior. Princess. Fairy. Dreamer. Traveler. Explorer. Heroine.
Which of these words portrays the real me? Is it one of them? Perhaps it is all of them? Or the most dreaded option, is it none of them?
I'm sure one wonders, what in heavens name is she talking about? She is a 24 year old Israeli student, typical IDC girl. How on earth can she be a warrior (for starters, who is there to fight?) surely every adult knows fairies are old folk tales and what has she done in her life to deserve being called a heroine?!

The right answer would simply be the pure fiction of my mind, the ever going conflict between my fantasy world and the mundane reality. Fantasy has been a part of my life, ever since I can remember. It started with my brother showing me movies such as the animated version of "The Lord of the Rings" as a young girl and continued with me bringing home fiction books, from kinder-garden, for my mother to read them to me aloud. Throughout my life I have been using my inner world, consciously or not, letting my imagination fly loose.

Nevertheless, one can not just sit back, build castles in the air and not do a thing about it! A dreamer wishes for some kind of fulfillment and implementation. To begin with, one of my greatest joys in life is drawing. My illustrations have a strong motif of fantasy in them - they vary from fair looking princesses, mischievous fairies and striking castles to fearsome dragons, dauntless warriors and shining weaponry. This lovely pastime enables me to visually express my private visions and desires. Secondly, I take great pleasure in writing creative e-mails to friends abroad. Each letter is the work of hours of creative thinking, written with great pathos. Every e-mail possesses a certain theme, whether it is a dramatic one or even a Shakespearian style. This tradition is a fantastic source of challenge for both sides. Thirdly, I was fortunate enough (and exceptionally determined) to be able to travel quite a lot before starting my academic studies. During my travels, I have seized the opportunities given to me, to explore the cultures I have encountered to constantly use my mind, in unique ways, with the new things I have come to learn. For example, pretending I'm a heroine venturing in foreign, uncharted lands, adventuring my way through.

Some might find it surprising to learn, that I have chosen for my studies, a practical subject such as business. However, my imagination never ceases to run riot every second of the day! I truly believe that in order to succeed in business, one can not just excel in one's studies nor have sufficient experience, but one must also have imagination and creative thinking, for this is the only way to shine above the others and actually achieve something out of the ordinary.

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