Inspired by Sam

Oct 04, 2006 22:58

Here is "The List."  All History except where otherwise noted:

University of Wisconsin
University of Pennsylvania
Rutgers State University
University of Michigan (joint History/Women's Studies)
University of Minnesota
University of Illinois
Northwestern University
University of Iowa
Indiana University (joint History/American Studies)
University of Maryland
Washington University St. Louis

I know for a fact that I'm shooting too high with this list.  What little diversity there is (Maryland, Wash U) is barely there.  I mean, Maryland only accepts about 36% of their applicants, but compared to the other schools on the list, that seems downright decadent.  But fuck it.  Bo and I refuse to go far into debt for graduate school or to attend a school that would make getting a job even harder than it will be, no matter what.  If we don't get in this time, we'll try again.  And again.  And again. 
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