Feb 02, 2008 09:57
Thus far the trip to FL has gone smoothly. The kids, both healthy when we boarded the f@#$%!plane, are now running fevers. Isaac lost most of a night of sleep because he was roasting, but last night was better. Hopefully they will both bounce without getting truly sick, but as my mother joked, 'what would a trip to FL be without a trip to urgent care?'
BUT! Dad was cleaning out the attic, tossing old papers and whatnot and made a discovery: an old box of books. Mom dragged it out to show me because the kids are now the right age. Most of them I recognized right off and the flash flood of memories the old covers brought out was amazing. There's one or two I'm not sure are in print anymore, some with fantastical beasts, another with a little boy who learns to gather flowers for an elderly British painter. He reluctantly buys food and a warm blanket for his family and brother, but finally gets to buy what he really wants - a shiny, hardbound 'fancy' book. For the whole book he works in the shadow of a tiger, which men are hunting ... and that's the one detail I can't remember the resolution of. Other parts I could recite, but I know I only read the book once. Guess it struck a cord with me. My old dinosaur book was there, but I think the one that excited me most of the petshop book with all it's unusual creatures. I'll have to look later to see if it's available, but I know I've never seen it in a bookstore while buying stuff for the kids.
I think we'll draw from the box for bedtime tonight.
things bookish