Baking experiment! And what not to do next time...

Nov 06, 2010 02:08

For some reason, I got it in my head that individual bourbon pecan pies would rock awesomeness to it's core.

I couldn't find things like my rolling pin, so I cheated and used shortbread tartlett shells. And i mean tartlett! each can be eaten in like 2 bites, tops.

Using my regular bourbon pecan pie recipe, I figured out quite a few things:

The tartlett shells work perfectly except, I do not need as much liquid as I do for a pie. The conclusion I have come to is to buy more shells and more pecans next time. Not quite double the amounts, but 1.5x what I used this time.

They do not take long at all to cook. 5 min @ 375, then 2 min @ 350. less than 10 to prep. an easy, fun fix.

And pull them off the foil as soon as they come out. Once they start to cool, any of the goo that spilled or over-flowed will make them very difficult to get off the foil!

All in all, i call it a delicious, delicious success!
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