I've been watching a lot of
"Are You Being Served?" There's 14 total discs (though at least one of them is documentaries). It's been ages since I've watched the show.
I remember when I was little and PBS used to show it. My sister and I would sit and watch it with our dad. My mom gave it to my dad for Christmas, and he hadn't started watching it, so I asked to borrow it.
Oh god this show is more hilarious than I remember!
For those not familiar, the show is about the men's wear and ladies wear departments in a department store. it's british.
The more I watch it, the more I love
Mrs. Slocombe! I want her wigs. She has so many different colors. And it's brilliant! About 75% of the time, her makeup and/or outfit matches her hair. And she's always talking about her pussy. Ah the innuendo!
My other favorite character is Mr. Wilberforce Clayborne Humphries.
John Inman was brilliant! Mr. Humphries is the token gay man, though they never really say he's gay. One of those things they only implied, but it was obvious. The character was witty and ively. It's also fun to watch him dance.
I've gotten to the point though, where I've noticed the decline of the show.
The losses of Mr Grainger and Mr Goldberg were survivable. The Seniors in Men's weren't that interesting character-wise to begin with. I'm not sure what season it is, but it's markedly worse once they lose
Mr Lucas (the sarcastic, innuendo filled Junior in Men's) and
Young Mr Grace, one of the owners of Grace Brothers.
The characters that replaced them, Mr Spooner and Old Mr Grace (respectively) were literally just like the characters they replaced and not played as well.
Overall still a brilliant show that everyone should at least watch the early seasons of! :D