That was awesome. I am so excited for the rest of the season. First, a brief recap:
Tonight on X-Men the Live Action Series Heroes, Senator Kelly Petrelli and Bolivar Trask Noah Bennet send a team of Sentinels soldiers to round up mutants and send them to Genosha a secure location. Drama ensues. Excellent.
This very original interesting and exciting story line leaves me with just one question: Where the hell is Gambit? They could totally get that kid from Friday Night Lights - You know, the one who's being Gambit in the movie. I mean, he can only pretend to be a high school kid for so long, right? Come on, Kring, make it happen.
I kid, I kid. While there are an X-Men story, there is enough different to keep me entertained. The whole Petrelli family dynamic should be pretty interesting. Sylar is back to being a wonderful, bad-ass wildcard. HRG and Angela are rocking the moral ambiguity as usual. (I won't count Nathan as morally ambiguous because I think he's definitely more on the villain side of the line.) Claire is not quite an idiot (OMG Yay!).
I'll jump right into the Idiot Award, because it's just a little thing and there wasn't much competition. Tonight's winner is Peter. Who else was yelling at their tv, "No hugging! You moron! Do not hug a sneaky Petrelli! Don't you remember your Dad?!?!?!" I swear, does that guy NEVER learn?
Other than Peter's naive idiocy, though, I really enjoyed the Judas overtones to the scene. Nathan should have kissed him for the full effect. (No, not in a slashy way. Perv. :D )
I am going to start compiling a list of rules to follow - How to survive in Heroes. Rule #1 is going to be "Never Hug A Petrelli." Have any ideas? Please share.
There was a tiny bit of retconning tonight that, contrary to my usual response, I absolutely adored. Peter has to touch someone to absorb their powers now. And we can see it happening! This makes his character so much more manageable. Oh! This totally means Peter = Rogue, right? I mean, he doesn't actually suck the powers out of the other person yet, but there's no reason he couldn't evolve that way. Obviously, this paves the way for some Peter/
Gambit. Happy now, slashers?
Ok, I promise to drop the X-Men stuff now. Really.
What's the deal with the future-drawing ability? Can anyone have it? Is there anyone on this show that can't draw the future? And it's pretty awesome that this ability doesn't just let you see the future, it actually confers artistic skill. Amazing what's hidden in our genes, huh? /sarcasm
Matt is kind of a tool, though. I appreciate that he wants to live a normal life, but I don't really think that Daphne running somewhere is a significant deviation from normal. She wasn't doing anything immoral or illegal, and she wasn't really even using her power for personal gain, I'm sure that being a bike messenger doesn't pay nearly as well as being an international super-thief. Matt is very much like his tortoise friend, I think. He just wants to crawl into his shell and ignore the outside world. Well, I have news for you, buddy: You're on a tv show about super heroes. Good luck.
Daphne's going to drop him at some point, right? Who's a good candidate for a more fun boyfriend? Peter? Sylar? Hmmm...actually, they don't have great track records with girls. I like Daphne; I don't want her to be shot, maimed, or abandoned in a dystopian future. Ooh! How about a love triangle with Hiro and Ando?
Claire has made great strides in becoming less stupid and obnoxious. Still, she could stand to work on her communication skills. Seriously? You hear bio-dad and grandma plotting to get Matt and Peter, but when you talk to Peter you only mention Matt? Come on! Shouldn't your priority be letting Pete know that he is in danger? Good job in the plane, though. I'll give you that.
That reminds me...the plane is reason number two why Peter is tonight's Idiot. We sit through, like, five minutes of drama about, "Oh no! Peter's going to fall out of the plane!!!" but, you know what? The dude can FLY! He probably would have been better off outside the airplane.
It's unfortunate that Tracy doesn't have as much control over her abilities as Iceman. He would have patched the gaping hole with a sheet of ice in ten seconds flat.
Damn. I mentioned X-Men again. Sorry.
I love how enthusiastic Hiro is about Ando's powers. He wasn't always very sensitive when he was the hero and un-special Ando was the side-kick, so I'm glad to see that he has embraced the side-kick role just as much as he did the hero role. That means he acted that way because he genuinely didn't understand why Ando wouldn't be thrilled to be a side-kick, not because he's a selfish jerk
Did I get everyone?
Oh! Mohinder! That's what we call poetic justice, right there. Sure, you're in favor of rounding up dangerous's all for the greater good, right? Wait. There must be a mistake. You aren't a dangerous mutant. You're a mild-mannered scientist/taxi driver who just happens to have super strength. Ha! Hypocrite.
And that moment with HRG and the car and the escape-that-wasn't? Awesome. I love shocking moments that involve Noah. This episode had two of 'em. The other was when Claire burst into the cockpit and saw him.
Oh, show. You're back! And I don't mean back from hiatus!
Argh! How could I forget to talk about Sylar? He's right up there in my icon! Anyway, he was great tonight. I am running out of adequate words of praise. The best moment was when you could see him consider cutting the head right off the watchmaker, and then decide not to. He can control it!
And so, like the first half of this season (may it rot in hell), the good guys (Peter, Claire, Hiro, Matt) and Sylar have a common enemy. I *love* that. I love traditional enemies working together against a worse foe. Ooooh, I hope that Claire has to spend some quality time with him. That'd be awesome. She can be little future Noah's mommy! Hahahaha. (Kidding. In all honesty, I think little Noah's future has been prevented. The poor tyke will never be born.)