Heroes: The Eclipse (Part Two)

Dec 01, 2008 22:04

When we last saw our heroes, Sylar and Elle were just starting to kiss and HRG was waiting outside with a sniper rifle.  As tonight's episode opens, the two lovebirds are enjoying some post coital philosophising, still very much alive.  So...what the hell was Noah waiting for?  Is it considered bad form to shoot someone while they're having sex, or did he just want to watch?  Kind of disturbing.

Also? Please.  Noah should totally be able to hit a stationery target with just a scope.  The laser sight was just dumb.

Woe is Daphne!  She deserves to be crippled.  She was such a bad person.  Blah, blah, blah.  Angst, angst, angst.   I am getting so bored with every conversation she and Matt have.  It pretty much boils down to, "I love you, you're a good person."  "You don't know me, I'm a bad person."  And repeat.

And you know what?  She's totally right.  Matt does not know her.  His opinion of her is not reliable.  At this point, she could probably tell him that she hunted down his ex(?)wife and her baby and ate them on a dare, and he'd still insist that she's good at heart.

Matt:  Darling, I love you!

Daphne: Have I mentioned that I drink the blood of kittens?

Matt:  That was in the past! You're reformed!

Daphne: Actually, I did it this morning.  Also, I kidnap young girls and sell them as sex slaves...you know...when I can't find anything worth stealing.

Matt:  Everyone makes bad decisions sometimes. Don't beat yourself up about it.  Why, you could kind of say that I *kidnapped* Molly from the Company.  And I made her clean her room occasionally, which is almost like forced servitude.

Daphne:  Not so much, really.

Nice to know, though, that all you have to do to mend familial rifts is to hug.  No explanations necessary...a hug fixes everything.  Thanks, Matt.  I would never have thought of hugging my dad.  What a novel idea.

Mohinder, when did you turn into such a sick fuck?  First beating a man into a coma, then returning to your strange stalking of Maya.  What ever happened to the mild mannered professor?  But I still laughed at "You think I'm that stupid?"  "Honestly? Yes."  Awesome.

And Maya, for God's sake, why open the door?  Based on what you know of him re: murdering and webbing, when a voice at the door says "It's Mohinder!" you DO NOT open the door, you call the police!

Memo to the writers:  I know, usually when you put a character in mortal danger it creates drama.  However - we, the audience, are not quite as stupid as you seem to believe. (A) We know that everyone will get their powers back eventually - otherwise, this show couldn't be "Heroes."  You even hinted that they'd be back as soon as the eclipse ends.  (B) Unlike you, we know that eclipses are short-lived.  (C) The two characters you "killed" have a healing factor.  We've even seen Claire dead before.  (D) Aside from the healing, they are your most important characters plot-wise.  The biggest stars.

In conclusion:  This Was Not Dramatic!!!  Was anyone *surprised* to see Claire and Sylar pop back to life?  I thought not.

So, the Sylar/Elle romance was short, huh?  Just long enough to establish him as heterosexual?  Not that that's your motivation.  Of course not.

I'm pretty confused, though.  Why didn't she try to zap him there at the end like she did last time he tried to cut her head off?  And why was he cutting her skull open, anyway?  He already has her power. (Through his *empathy*! Snort!)  There's nothing more to be gained from her.

I am so sick of Sylar being one long nature vs. nurture argument.  To me, it seems that the Sylar we are left with at the end of this episode is basically the same one we had in previous seasons.  He kills because he likes it.  So...what was all of that Mommy, Daddy, trying to be nice crap?  Are we supposed to forget it now?  I'm torn...on one hand, I wish it had never happened, but on the other hand, it DID happen!  Re-setting Sylar to his previous state is still a retcon.

I'm so tired.

I liked Hiro in the comic shop.  It was funny.  But what's with this bike-messenger sketch book?  If we actually saw Isaac hand that off in season one (possible that I've forgotten) then I'll forgive it.  Otherwise, what the fuck are you thinking, writers?!?!  This has to be the stupidest idea for a quest I have ever heard of.

Then Hiro takes Claire back in time to see Kaito handing her off to HRG, and warning him not to get too close.  She reacts with shock.  Uhhh...why?  I didn't notice anything particularly interesting in that scene. 

heroes_meta, review, heroes

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