Nooooooooooooo! I thought they had learned their lesson already! Too Much Power = Narrative Disaster! Come on! Why make Sylar a shape-shifter? It's ridiculous. As if he wasn't unstoppable enough already. Where should we set the over/under on number of times they pull the "Character X is Sylar in Disguise" gag. Once an episode? More? We'll probably get to see every freaking character on the show morph into Sylar at some point.
Seriously, as much as I love watching Sylar, his storyline is starting to fill me with rage. It doesn't make sense that Danko would take him on as a partner. Danko knows that Sylar is the biggest single threat out there...that it's already nearly impossible to kill or contain him...So why the hell would he help Sylar get even more power? Only an idiot would help a homicidal maniac acquire more means of killing -- oh, wait, I guess I answered my own question. I forgot that the only intelligent characters on the show are Noah and Angela. You think Sylar should be included? Just wait until he starts forgetting about his shiny new powers for the sake of drama. Just like Matt forgets that he can read minds and create illusions. It's already started, really. Tonight Danko asked if he could take the power without slicing off the head and I was left with the impression that Sylar decided to do something really unpleasant, like pulling the bit of brain out his nose, or something. He has already forgotten that he's entirely capable of absorbing a power without he did with Elle. (Or maybe he has to have sex with his empathy target. Wouldn't that make for an awesome show!)
Quite a few things reminded me of Supernatural again this week. I know, I're Heroes fans and you don't particularly care about my other fetish. Just skip this paragraph. First of all, there was an old, black muscle car at the very beginning - not an Impala, but similar. Episode title is similar to "Asylum," and there was - again - some classic rock involved. (Wouldn't "We Gotta Get Out of This Place" be a great song for SPN?) But, the biggest similarity was the death of the shape-shifter. Squee! So much like how Dean faked his death by killing a shape-shifter in "Skin." I hope that knife was silver, Danko, or you guys might have a really pissed off monster on your hands. Also - Sylar instinctively knew that the shape-shifter was looking for love. Either that's his empathy coming to the fore, or he's seen SPN. Studies show that 2 out of 3 shifters want love. (The other one robs banks and jewelry stores.)
Also, while I'm referencing non-heroes entertainment, wasn't Claire an adorable mini-Wolverine tonight? Anyone familiar with other regenerating characters must have been screaming at the tv for Claire to start the drinking contest instead of Nathan.
I don't usually fangirl over the heroes men (*cough* unlike Supernatural *cough*) but Nathan was unusually hot tonight. I'm digging the tousled hair, white shirt, and misguided attempt to out-drink a bunch of college boys. Oh, honey, you are so not 20 anymore. However, for the love of God, can't the Petrellis stop having inappropriate sexual chemistry with each other??? Just for one episode??? If this were my first time watching the show, I would have been convinced that the whole, "soy su padre" thing was just a lie to the hotel manager. They even got a room with one bed.
I've been hating Nathan for most of the season, but damn he made me feel sorry for him tonight. First the drunken determination to fix make Claire love him, to atone for what he has done to Angela and Peter. Then, the next morning, he has the soul-crushing self-doubt of DOOM. Poor woobie.
And I guess Nathan has a secondary power that protects him from hangovers, because he looked far too good the morning after.
Peter and Angela seek sanctuary in a church, just like Esmerelda. Angela prays for a nap while Pete sings "God Help The Outcasts" and vents his emo rage. Was anyone else made vaguely uncomfortable by the little angry-at-God speech? Just felt out of place. And it was *long*.
Noah protected them. He must be Phoebus. And Danko is Frollo. And I think I've stretched this analogy as far as I possibly can. Moving on...
Angela has a sister! Ooh! I wonder if she'll have inappropriate sexual chemistry with family members. Maybe we can find out which side of the family the trait comes from. Any chance that Millie from last week is the sister? I can't remember if she was specifically identified as just a friend, or if the relationship was ambiguous and I assumed.
Anything else happen? I can't remember. No notes tonight and I was watching with non-fans who kept talking and asking questions.
In conclusion, I love Nathan and Claire...HRG continues to be awesome...Peter and Angela had better hurry down to Mexico and cut down on the self-pity and self-flagellation (respectively)...and I am thisclose to sticking an ice-pick in Sylar's cranium and forceably removing half of his powers. Time to start looking for our Anakin; someone needs to bring balance to the force.