Интересное интервью Виктор Геращенко

Oct 03, 2011 16:45


From the second file, translated by myself.
R1: I have a question, would not call it an inconvenient, however why are you not afraid to tell all this about Khodorkovsky, UKOS ... it seems you are the last person in this country who talks [freely].
G: Why to be afraid of the truth, I beg your pardon? [makes a joke]
R1: How do I know? In general, they are afraid to speak out the word UKOS itself on the TV or radio broadcast.
G: Why? You see, after all, when I went to participate to help, it was in a hope that that big enterprise will survive. And sooner or later it will reach an acceptable agreement with the authorities. Even if it were to continue to litigate understanding that the court is misinterpreting [the law]  etc.. You see, in my childhood I wanted to be a lawyer.  My uncle told me - do not do that. In our country there is not much left to do for a lawyer. Our country is just. So rather go and study economics. This way you will always find a place to work. [...] So I was thinking  - we had justice everywhere. Then [talks about his experience with the legal system in USSR, Singapore, Hong-Kong] I saw how this all works, had to take an oath to say the truth.
R2: All the more so, why are you not afraid to talk about this all?
G: What should I be afraid of? Am I lying about anything? Let them catch me! Even when I (makes a gesture to show he was drunk) was swearing live on air "Echo Moskva" and it was brought to attention of the V.V. [Putin] - He said: "so what, he was swearing, but he told the truth"
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