just say know

Oct 31, 2006 08:11

is the 1984 story becoming reality? ...or has it already become so?
is the government your new god whether or not you wish to believe it?
if so, is there a Prometheus to set us free? and if so, what would
it take to do so? the free information society type mindset that is
set out to us cybernaughts on the internet? they did give it to us
after all, just as they gave us LSD then tried to take it away as
with anything or anyone that can change minds and make people question
authority. is the internet the new LSD in a sense? not a replacement,
but the new thorn in the government's side that it is just itching
to pull out? so most recently Prometheus has brought to us the internet
from our 'god' in attempts to set us free...does that mean we merely
have to wait, or is there something we can do? could beuricrats really
dissappear? how do we get there... how do we get there...?

"if it's not love then it's the bomb that will bring us together"
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