Россия и Кавказ едины в индийском рабстве

Jun 03, 2016 20:30

...The Ethiopian embassy was still in Dehli, when Aureng-
Zebe assembled his privy-council, together with the
learned men of his court, for the purpose of selecting a
suitable preceptor for his third son, Sultan Ekbar, 1 whom
he designs for his successor. He evinced upon this
occasion the utmost solicitude that this young Prince
should receive such an education as might justify the
hope of his becoming a great man. No person can be
more alive than Aureng-Zebe to the necessity of storing
the minds of Princes, destined to rule nations, with useful
knowledge. As they surpass others in power and eleva-
tion, so ought they, he says, to be pre-eminent in wisdom
and virtue. He is very sensible that the cause of the
misery which afflicts the empires of Asia, of their misrule,
and consequent decay, should be sought, and will be
found, in the deficient and pernicious mode of instructing
the children of their Kings. Intrusted from infancy to the
care of women and eunuchs, slaves from Russia, Circassia,
Mingrelia, Gurgistan?

грузия, индия, история, россия, кавказ

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