
Oct 02, 2005 00:04

there are two main ways that people (and I) deal with life. there is the *Block* method, this is where people block anything and everyone coming in so they can't do any harm, sort of the pre striking. then there is the *grab* method, this is when people grab onto any happiness they come across, and the more they squeeze the more they just push out of their grip. I have always known about, but have had problems in practice with the third concept *dance*. I usually, against my own wants, block anything that might not be bad, and then squeze as hard as I can to the rest. I had another Epiphany today, thanks to doing more martial arts training again, and meditating; "dance with it, lead it, no mater where it is going, you can control where it ends up" at least for your own mental state. I've been thinking alot about this tonight. if life is going to try to push me off balance, I am just going to take it by the hand, do a little twirle, and end up back on count, doing a tango.

the moral here is. flow. know peoples intentions. know the odds. and keep things real. and most importantly, don't get caught up in the moment...lose yourself in the moment when you can, but always be thinking to the future, and mindful of the past.

you know, its quite nice to have my old mind back its nice to be able to think things out. its helped me to, over all, stay much more at ease. I actually have the mindset to be able to do the actions and have the thoughts that I've been striving to have again for so long. wish me continued strength;)

"Just inhale, and your body will do the rest"
good night everyone

****“Believe nothing.
No matter where you read it,
Or who said it,
Even if I have said it,
Unless it agrees with your own reason
And your own common sense.”

~ Buddha****
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