Title: Wait and See (4/?)
Pairing Heechul x Sulli (Henry x Amber. Hangeng x Heechul)
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Disclaimer: Super Junior and F(x) are under contract with SM not with me.
Summary: ...Because a 28 year old can't enter into a relationship with a 16 year old without some repercussions.
Prologue -
Do It Chu~! Previous Chapters -
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 AN: not 100% santisfied but i had to get something out. My dog died and I work 8-5 so my mind wasn't quite on this. T_T i miss my doggy. sorry if this chapter suck T_T Victoria and Geng chat is Chinese
Chapter 4
Sulli invited Heechul and some of his members over. She knew Siwon and Ryeowook knew Victoria well especially since they did the SJ-M version of “U” together. She figured if those three came over Victoria wouldn’t mind so much. Siwon and Ryeowook were more polite and well behaved than the Eunhae couple. Heechul agreed and within minutes they were on their way again.
It may seem like a social visit, but really it wasn’t. Sulli had an agenda. She would play the part of a good hostess and entertain her friends, but really she had ulterior motives. She wanted to get to the truth behind Heechul’s feelings after all. She just had to ensure they would have at least some time alone together.
Hey! You’re FINALLY online!
Uh… you act like I don’t get one.
You don’t…
So was sup?
Oh right nothing much. Doing comeback things… as you should already know.
Yeah yeah… oh speaking of comeback… Accept the file I’m sending. It’s my song.
File Transfer Complete
AHH! Gege is this for real!?
Why wouldn’t it be?
I’m going international! International! International!!!
You have to show Heechul he’ll be so proud!
I can’t.
You have to talk to him sometime.
I know you want to.
And OMG what perfect time to do it then to share with him your music!
I’m not ready.
You know he’s been depressed since you left.
I know… I read his Cyworld you know…
Henry told Amber that Heechul was also
Waxing poetic over twitter
Are you trying to guilt trip me?
You know why I had to do this…
Yes… but I don’t know why
You had to do this to him.
He deserves answers.
We were never officially together.
You told me it was an unspoken thing.
Unspoken things are rarely official.
He’s become happier recently anyway.
I think he’s still hurt but he’s pulling himself together.
It’s the professional thing to do.
He wasn’t the only one hurt by all of this you know.
Can I call you?
I have to go. I have an interview in a few and still haven’t gotten dressed.
Take care.
Don’t be a stranger.
Heechul came over to the f(x) dorm with Siwon and Ryeowook. They jokingly told Henry through a webcam conversation in Sulli and Amber’s room that it was taco night.
Henry merely looked back at them with bed head and a groggy look in his eye before the word ‘taco’ registered with him.
“What!?” Henry cried out in English before reverting to Korean. “You never have Taco night when I’m there! I loveee tacos! You know I love tacos!”
“You love everything. It doesn’t count,” Ryeowook teased.
“Amber! Tell them how much I love tacos!” Henry pleaded, looking past Ryeowook and Heechul’s heads to where Amber and Sulli sat in the background on Sulli’s bed.
“It’s true,” Amber confirmed with a nod. “He loves tacos more than he loves me.”
“See!” Henry exclaimed.
Siwon made a scandalized facial expression, eyebrows shooting up his face.
“That’s terrible!” Siwon gasped. “You can’t love food more than your girlfriend!”
“Says who?” was Henry’s reply.
“I’m going to kill you,” Amber shouted back good naturedly in English.
“But really,” Henry said, face taking a somber expression. “You’re really having tacos without me?”
“No not really, I think Ryeowook is about to go in the kitchen and make us something,” Heechul replied.
Ryeowook replied with a glare at being volunteered to do such a task.
“Oh good,” Henry nodded. “Anyway I have to get ready it’s like… 7am here. You guys suck for calling.”
“You suck for having your computer on and logged into Skype so early,” Amber shot back.
Henry grinned a little, “Bye Hyung. Bye Sulli. Bye Amber.”
And with that Henry was gone.
“Ok, let’s go Wookie,” Heechul said, standing up from Amber’s computer chair. Let’s get started on dinner!”
All 3 boys and the two girls filed out of the tiny shared bedroom and into the living area to go into the kitchen when Victoria was already in there rummaging through the refrigerator. As the approached she was signing some song that none of them had heard. The lyrics were mostly Chinese but there was some English that popped out too.
“I’m going international! International!”
“Unnie!” Sulli skipped over and hugged Victoria from behind, causing the leader to jump up startled. “What are you singing?”
“Oh? I just finished talking to Geng gege and he sent me his new song,” Victoria said, turning and returning Sulli’s hug. “Did you want to hear that?”
Sulli’s eyes widened and she looked over to the others standing at the entrance of the kitchen.
“Did you hear that?” Sulli gasped, looking mostly at the Super Junior boys.
“Huh?” Victoria turned and saw that Siwon, Ryeowook and… Heechul were standing there. Siwon and Ryeowook’s faces held surprise in their features, but Heechul on the other hand had a darker more cryptic emotion passing across his face.
Victoria felt her stomach drop. She knew this was not how Geng wanted Heechul to find out… or at least this wasn’t how she wanted him to find out. She wanted Geng to tell his ex-lover himself. However, when being realistic, Victoria had to admit it went without saying that Heechul would have found out regardless.
“Wow! Hankyung hyung!” Ryeowook was the first to speak, his voice coming out almost as a squeak.
Siwon nodded, “Wow! I was wondering what he’s been up to. He has a song. Isn’t that something else, Hyu--.”
Siwon turned to look at Heechul but noticed the older looking down with an unreadable expression.
“Hyung,” Siwon reached out slowly, setting a heavy hand on Heechul’s shoulder.
Immediately the hand, which meant to be consoling, was knocked off and Heechul pushed Siwon away. The larger man surprisingly fell right into the wall and Heechul didn’t even apologize. Instead he pushed past Victoria to look into the fridge himself.
“Who cares about Ha, Han-- That idiot,” Heechul said. “I’m hungry!”
Heechul didn’t want to show his dark humor throughout the rest of the stay at Sulli’s house, but somehow his foul mood managed to cast a dark cloud on the evening. Heechul tried to remain his normal self. He yelled at people a lot but that was actually… kind of normal. Anyway, Sulli was confused by his behavior. He seemed to be getting along with everyone but at the same time he was being distant. Was it something she did?
She had planned to see if she could make their relationship official that night, but if he were mad at her it wouldn’t do.
Everyone was settled in the living room having eaten dinner already and playing with Chinese checkers. The game ended with Heechul throwing the board, sending marbles everywhere and calling Victoria a cheater.
“That’s not nice,” Ryeowook said. “Don’t take it out on her if you suck!”
Victoria told Ryeowook not to worry and she, Amber and Sulli began to clean up as Ryeowook, Siwon and Heechul sat around talking a bit. Well… more like Ryeowook and Siwon talked. Siwon was actually about to suggest they go home but Sulli cut in before he did, addressing Heechul herself.
“Oppa,” she said, her voice tinier than usual. “Are you hot? Maybe we should go outside for air. I like the view on the balcony.”
Heechul didn’t look at Sulli but he stood and walked towards the balcony exit and Sulli followed at a slower pace. When Sulli closed the door behind her the living room erupted into conversation.
“Ok what’s that?” Amber asked.
“I think… I don’t want to say,” Victoria said.
“You mean you know?” pried Amber.
Victoria nodded shyly, “I’m pretty sure I do. But… I don’t think I should say.”
“It’s not a secret… I don’t think… well not amongst us. We never say it to him but amongst ourselves…” Siwon began. He let out a sigh, “How long have you been keeping contact with Hankyung, Victoria?”
“We never really lost touch,” admitted Victoria, looking down in shame.
“He’s never contacted us,” Ryeowook said.
“I know,” Victoria didn’t look up.
“He’s never even bothered to contact Heechul,” Siwon added.
“I know,” Victoria’s voice was a whisper.
“What’s going on?” Amber asked.
Siwon sighed, not knowing what to say.
“I think it’s just a lot,” Ryeowook offered. “We haven’t heard from him in six months then today we learn on accident he’s talking to Victoria and has a song…”
“An album actually,” Victoria admitted. “And concert. It’s all over the internet.”
“We… we’ve been hoping it was rumors,” admitted Siwon sheepishly. “Kept hoping Hyung would just knock on the door one day, his suitcases in hand. Now that we basically heard it from Hyung himself…”
“They were so close… I know it must hurt to lose someone so special without a word. I kept trying to convince him to call… I didn’t want to say anything without gege saying it first,” Victoria finally looked up, her eyes glossy with un-shed tears. She blinked and two drops cascaded down her cheeks. She quicky wiped them with the back of her hand.
“Don’t worry,” Ryeowook said, leaning over to pat Victoria’s back and the smooth her hair. “Sulli and Hyung have gotten close. I’m sure she can cheer him up. I bet in a few minutes they’ll come back inside laughing.”
Victoria nodded and hoped in her heart it would be true, but she feared the worse.
-to be continued-
AN: next chapter is the balcony scene. i hope you enjoyed!