Sep 14, 2006 23:06
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Okay, I was technically back on August 28th, and it's September 14th now, but it's all technicalities.
The horror of school! Another year of it and i'm a 3rd year university student! All of a sudden I feel so old, especially when i'm in classes with new first year students in some of my classes. A tip to first year students, when introducing yourself in tutorial, don't even bother mentioning what high school you graduated from, because most likely no one will care; especially those that have been in post-secondary for over one semester. Trust me. Besides, if you mention a high school a blank will most likely form in ones head. Yup, and that's my beef, yea, i'm all gangsta now, as of right now.
So about my vacation, I freaking loved it. Loved every minute of it. I just wished I got to stay in Shanghai longer.
Maybe I will post up some pictures. One day...if school and work doesn't overload me with stress first.