Feb 16, 2015 20:23
Do you ever do the sunk cost thing with books? I got a book free on Kindle yesterday from the Amazon loan thingie. This is a good deal for me because it acts like a library and allows me 10 books at a time. I just swap some out. Like a library, too, it is hard to tell what you will get.
So I just spent six hours, more or less reading a book that I will not name. It is an author I never heard of, but I thought I would give it a try. I would have had more fun slamming the car door on my own head for six hours.
I don't even know why I read it to the end. I kept hoping it would get better.
There was nothing wrong with the subject. It could have been interesting in the right hands. I have seen it done well. This was not done well.
I will be happy to exchange it for my next book!
via ljapp