My daughter once packed up her three yr. old and drove through two states to surprise her hubby on their 10th. anniversary at officer training school. He was surprised, all right. He was shacking up with a female trainee. Needless to say, she dumped that loser.
Raining petroleum??Did a gusher come in?? (Boy, I can just see me having to clean up THAT mess!!)
Things are getting deliciously weird in the world of your Spanish lessons. Wait until the evil duck is sleeping with the lieutenant, and the colonel is rejected by the lady drinking oil. Gotta be a sordid story or two in there someplace. Dave
Hello, I'm back. I've just about survived camping with the in laws :} The weather was great on Saturday and Sunday and atrocious last night and today. FiL and kids were in our van so we were relegated to a tent. It was so wold, it was a bit like trying to sleep inside a jellyfish caught in a storm. At least we were dry though :}
Your Spanish lessons are beyond brilliant! I am beginning to suspect the course was written by a frustrated fanfic writer. And talking of fic, I am quite happy to wait till the cows come home to read your writing. I'm not going anywhere :)
Comments 11
I think I've read SGA fanfics about that! :D
My daughter once packed up her three yr. old and drove through two states to surprise her hubby on their 10th. anniversary at officer training school. He was surprised, all right. He was shacking up with a female trainee. Needless to say, she dumped that loser.
Raining petroleum??Did a gusher come in?? (Boy, I can just see me having to clean up THAT mess!!)
Don't worry about having written anything in ages. That comes and goes! We will follow you always! :) xxx
Your Spanish lessons are beyond brilliant! I am beginning to suspect the course was written by a frustrated fanfic writer. And talking of fic, I am quite happy to wait till the cows come home to read your writing. I'm not going anywhere :)
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