(i deleted my previous post, sorry if this is not allowed but i realised i forgot to ask about a coat. m__m)
i just missed out on a great winter coat, so i'm trying my luck here.. it should be off-white, crème or white, a size xs or s (european/american size) and look similar to these:
http://pupe.ameba.jp/brand/detail/ce814_2_Duj6/tKNmfYi7XP6U/2010/http://pupe.ameba.jp/brand/detail/hREqfv-SeafP/Za8xQnqhFtNn/2010/http://pupe.ameba.jp/brand/detail/e43Eo84qxEbV/DzR4fhpIVTjd/2010/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/koinuchan81/sale%20october%2009/091101_143201.jpg if anyone has one of these coats by liz lisa for sale, that would be extremely awesome, but it's not a must. i'd just like something in this style. found one. :}
i'm also still looking for earmuffs.. they have to be fuzzy, black or white and the headband can't be too thick/fluffy, because it looks silly on me. :/ otherwise i have no requirements, ie whether they're brand or offbrand, cat-, bunny- or bear shaped etc.
i'd also like to buy white, crème or off-white gloves like these:
http://pupe.ameba.jp/brand/detail/XewnRADNcBnB/PnXNwyNtl2CQ/10050/ & a scarf/muffler. black or white ones are preferred, but they can come in other colours too.
please show me what you've got! one more thing: i won't be able to pay for them before november 9th as i get my money at the beginning of the month. m__m
my feedback: