WTB: Anna House blouse, two Classical Puppets Petties
http://eglfeedback.livejournal.com/2767670.html Little Info About me:
-I live on a military base where i dont live on a regular street that gets mail. I use the USPS p.o. Instead so it's hard for me to order anything outside the U.S.
-I use paypal
-You can pm me here and it will still go to my email.
My measurements:
Waist: 25in (63.5cm)
Bust: 31.5in (80cm)
Normally wear a size 0 in american sizing
Now for the items in question:
Anna House Blouse 016-1189 in black
http://www.annahousefashion.com/cfolder/annahouse/Library/Tree/20120817/DD/016_1189_03.jpg Classical puppets A-line and Bell shaped Petticoat both in white
http://clobbaonline.com/web_images/classical_puppets_bell_shaped_petticoat.jpg http://clobbaonline.com/web_images/classical_puppets_a-line_petticoat_4.jpg