WTB! Rose Theme Dresses

Apr 29, 2013 17:19

Hello everyone,

I am searching for Rose Theme Dresses from brands like Mary Magdalene, Victorian Maiden, Innocent World, Angelic Pretty and Alice and the Pirates or Baby the stars shine bright. I am not looking for off brand or indi brands.
I come from Germany and here is my feedback page: http://eglfeedback.livejournal.com/973970.html
Here some example what I am searching for:

Favourite colors are white, creame, mint and bordeaux
No pink please!

I am also searching for this dresses:

Thanks for watching ♥♥♥

color:green, moi-meme-moitie, item:jumperskirt, angelic pretty, mary magdalene, alice and the pirates, !wtb, chocomint, color:white, color:cream, baby the stars shine bright

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