Dear users,
community rules have been updated with some clarifications and new friendly reminders. Please read them carefully and contact a mod if there's anything you don't understand or would like further information on: Also please note that replica items that feature a brand-specific print, brand logo
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"What does this mean for illegal replica items?
On the sales community:
Illegal replicas may not be traded, sold, or bought. Members who sold illegal replica items in the past will be asked to remove said items from their posts if they wish to link to said old posts."
= Trading is dealing with replicas, just as selling is. It is therefore not allowed at this community, but we won't monitor your private messages, so if you want to offer someone a replica for trade, you will need to take it to private messages and won't be able to give or receive feedback from it.
If one of your older sales posts contains an illegal replica that has not yet been sold, please remove it from the post.
"This ruling extends to illegal replicas of copyright items. This means you may not sell replicas of original prints, original screen prints, and brand logo- and character-shaped items. This does not extend to items unprotected by current copyright law, such as [...] non-print replicas."
= Dresses without prints currently don't count as illegal, even if they are direct replicas of a brand dress.
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