We have found that there is a another scammer around, using several different accounts that we were able to connect with each other.
We have information gathered from many different sources that all link the following accounts together:
danidarktemplemiwakomberry All of these accounts are now banned from the sales comm. Please assist us in keeping this person away from our community by reporting things such as suspicious, newly created accounts of a Czech seller who is trying to sell items with stolen photographs to users posting WTB! posts, and asking users to complete the transaction through PM or Facebook. Every help is much appreciated and can also be submitted anonymously to our report center here:
http://egl-comm-sales.livejournal.com/11290908.htmlWe are also doing our best to keep all scammers out :)
If you are currently in a transaction with this person, please do not send your payment. If you have already sent a payment, file a paypal claim immediately.