Jul 11, 2021 13:34

Looking for Indie/Small Lolita brands!

Hi, I was wondering if there was a place I could look for small owned Lolita brands ! Especially US based ^^

I live in New York, and there’s a store nearby named Sweet Poison Cupcake! They sell bodyline and other Lolita clothes, and I started looking online for small brands to support, but most of them are Japan-based or etsy stores that aren’t running anymore.

I was also looking for a store where I could model for :)) either online or at an event near where I live! I’ve always wanted to be a Lolita model
And I’m really just doing it for the experience so I can get myself out there ^^
I have previous experience which you can see on my Instagram
@justice_modeling 💕

I’m also an artist!! If there are small businesses that are jut starting up, I can do logos, character design, anything you’d like !! :-)
My Instagram for that is @peach.ytime

discussion: brands, discussion: starting a brand, discussion: indie brands, discussion: western brands, discussion: brand collabs

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