My 2021 classic/sweet wardrobe

Jan 31, 2021 11:01

I made my first wardrobe post 5 years ago, and I planned to make another one every year but always procrastinated. I am just not good at handling big projects (and taking photos). I decided to make a post with just main pieces and some blouses to have an overview of my collection.

L to R: BTSSB and taobao capelet, Meta

The Baby dress is very detailed, my photos sadly do not do any justice to it. It has a gorgeous flocked print on an organdy overlay with my favourite motifs - keys, crowns, emblems. The dress on the right was my dream dress for several years. I really like forest-y and mori-girl like vibe it has. Also - GREEN!

L to R: Meta, Ladylike Melody

The oldschool OP on the left is very detailed and dainty, sadly I don't wear it much. I couldn't sell it to I guess I should learn to love it. The dress on the right was an impromptu find through trades, and I love it with all my heart.

L to R: Axes Femme with a handmade blouse, Chess Story OP

I got the skirt and the blouse from a friend, I love the Victorian vibe from it. The dress on the right has lots of lovely details and a very ethereal print, sadly my photo does not show it off very well.

L to R: handmade OP (not by me), Infanta blouse, unknown brand OP from aliexpress

I love the unusual shade of yellow and a diamond pattern on the OP. It was made by a Russian lolita. The lavender OP was a hand-me-down from a friend.

L to R: Offbrand, Meta JSK with offbrand blouse

I love plaid and Alice in Wonderland theme. Also these dresses do not have a typical lolita shape, they are not full enough for a proper petticoat, but they are good for casual coordinates.

L to R: Bodyline, Bodyline overdress with BTSSB skirt

I got the skirt from a fellow lolita from my native town who left the fashion. This is a perfect skirt for me, I really like this floral print. It is good for occasions when I do not feel inspired or adventurous: just add basics and it is a perfect classic outfit. I hope that the Bodyline dress on the right is not AKB48 cosplay. Or is it? I have no idea.

L to R: Angelic Pretty OP, BTSSB JSK with Meta blouse

Two of the recent additions to my wardrobe: light airy OP and a thick woolen JSK. The JSK shrunk in the wash, but I fixed and rescued this baby.

L to R: Meta, Angelic Pretty JSK with offbrand blouse

The Meta skirt is one of the oldest items I own. It photographs particularly bad when laid out flat because it has a stiff built in petticoat. The JSK is the unpopular cut of the popular print. Technically it is not a print, the pattern is woven into the fabric, and the texture is gorgeous.

L to R; Meta, handmade suit with Infanta blouse

I altered the JSK and made the lace bib removable. The suit was custome made for a friend who sold it to me. It is made of a very chic, soft velveteen, but sadly this suit does not fit me quite well. I keep it as the only boystyle option in my wardrobe.

Meta, Meta

Meta is so underrated in my opinion, I really like these prints.

L to R: Innocent World, Meta

The skirt is another lucky trade I got, and my only lolita coat was altered to fit me better.

Overall, I really like my collection, it is very eclectic and all over the place, but I like the versatility of this mixture of oldschool/classic/sweet/country wardrobe. Of course, I have shoes, bags, various head accessories, but I decided to concentrate on main pieces this time. I will make more posts with my lolita outfits and handmade projects in my Instagram panna_lily.

*chess story, theme: january, *bodyline, *handmade, *baby the stars shine bright, *angelic pretty, *metamorphose

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