Hello everyone! This year was quite special for me in terms of annual wardrobe posts as it is the first time in a few years that I decided to wear this beautiful fashion again. My wardrobe is not that big, but I am definitely trying to limit myself and only buy pieces that I will deinitely wear - and not only to fancy events.
Thank you for checking my post, and have a nice time goin through it!
If you would like to know a bit more about each piece, please check the post on the
blogspot page of mine :)
Main Pieces
Innocent World Roman Trump JSKAngelic Pretty Royal Chocolate salopette(2012)
BtSSB Alice in Funfair JSKAngelic Pretty Moon Night Theater Skirt
Angelic Pretty Moon Night Theater Pleated JSKAngelic Pretty Fancy Melody OP(the oldest piece in my collection!)
Belle Langue Code Print high waist JSKBtSSB Alice and the Looking glass of time
BtSSB Le Lac des Cygnes OP
Closet fillers
Ank Rouge, Ank RougeAngelic Pretty Cinema Doll, Axes Femme
Axes Femme, BtSSBAxes Femme, Axes Femme
Mix of offbrand and Angelic Pretty
Axes FemmeOffbrand
Secret Shop
For the year of 2018, I would like to expand my wardrobe a bit towards sax blue and navy items, and add some color with tops liek cardigans and blouses! Also, I want to keep my promise to wear pieces at least once a week to appreciate then in action (so far so good by the way!)
I wish everyone a great year, and see you soon!