Aug 14, 2016 00:27
Hello all! I am a very very new lolita (been interested in the fashion for about two years now, but finally wanting to try it our for myself!) and have run into a problem... Lolita style emphasizes long hair! Or at least, longer than my own. I have a very short "boy cut", so I fear that it just wouldn't look "right" with wearing lolita because of all the adorable accessories for longer hair. So I have three questions:
1) Are there any accessories for such short hair? (I'm considering kodona fashion as well as lolita, but I want to wear cute dresses!! >w<)
2) Should I just get a wig? I'd love to try out long hair being I think some wigs are adorable, buuuut my face is very round/square so I feel like any lolita-style wigs would be unflattering to my face shape.
3) What do you think? Short hair or a wig? (ie sacrifice cute accessories or potentially make my face look even more round?)
Thanks for your feedback in advance <3
- Mimikk