Lately it seems I am attending all kinds of different meet ups with different communities. And I think it's great. So many lovely lolitas every where :D. Yesterday I went to Germany for a very small meet up in Freiburg. Actually our group only consisted of two locals and two visitors from Switzerland (including me). But it was great fun nevertheless. I just hope i didn't put anyone off with my crazy shopping urges...
I'd like to apologize for the low quality pictures this time as I was too lazy to carry a heavy camera around. Sadly my pocket camera takes really bad and often blurry pictures.
The locals ;):
Actually it was supposed to be a themed meet up for "Wallpurgisnacht" but sadly only the event organizer dressed accordingly (as a witch).
The one and only witch of the west Bianca (event organizer)
The most adorable Anki
The foreigner (singular because I do not have a picture of my very casual outfit):
Elegance personified: Nadine
Thank you for reading.