Happy New Year EGL-ers! From all of your mods, we hope you had a wonderful 2015 and wish you all the best in 2016! Now for one of the most highly anticipated themes of the year...
January's theme is Wardrobe!
It's that time of year again to show off your lolita wardrobe! Feel free to share with the community what you have in your closet - whether it be every single item you've had after being in the fashion for years, or your first piece of lolita that you just picked up! Either way, the EGL community looks forward to taking a peek inside your wardrobe :)
Coord Challenge is Old and New!
Since you’re taking photos of your wardrobe why not make a look using our oldest pieces and your newest pieces. Did your style change or are you able to easily blend them seamlessly?
~Have a theme you want to see in 2016? Suggest it