Well... Facebook happened.
I used to just lurk here, but EGL started fizzling out around the time I started posting. And I don't know about anyone else, but I really miss it. Having a lolita community here seems so much more special than a bunch of Facebook groups.
I missed the real magic of EGL but I am still nostalgic for it... Does anyone else feel this way?
What can we do to revive this place? Will it ever be back to the way it was?
I am going to make a goal to post here about something once a week (maybe every two weeks so I don't spam), starting today - and to comment on every post I can. I think that if enough people do this, even if it is forced at first, new lolitas will see that EGL is moderately active, and older ones might start coming back!
Just editing to say that I am impressed with the number of lurkers here! Please start posting and commenting more, gals!