I recently wrote two reviews!
The first (found here:
http://darkpastel-dabbles.tumblr.com/post/126181779244/clobbao-and-classical-puppets-review) is one just written for a package I recieved in April. It was from CLOBBAOnline and contained Classical Puppets A-Line Petticoat III and Secret Shop OTK Socks Model 703.
The second (found here:
http://darkpastel-dabbles.tumblr.com/post/126184682714/my-lolita-dress-raymo-and-strawberry-witch) is for a package I received yesterday from My-Lolita-Dress. It contains Blouses from Strawberry Witch and RayMo.
(Just FYI, they are on tumblr and they are picture heavy. Apologies.)