ATTENTION: Clothing Drop

Feb 26, 2015 06:16

This is in follow up to an entry I posted in October 2014 ( to which surprisingly little concern was generated.

The second hand lolita shop, Clothing Drop has been inactive for quite some time ( I have consigned quite a significant amount of items with them over the course of many years, the remainder of which was to be returned to me upon the shop closing in August 2014.

- I had last heard from Clothing Drop in March 2014. I have not been contacted since.
- The website is perpetually "down for maintenance."
- This LJ account ( linked from their mainpage hasn't been updated since 2011, so is little help in allowing me to reach an actual person.

I find it hard to believe that I'm the only customer who has not received their items back. Why is there no one else reporting any concern? Is it true that I'm the only one?

I understand if the "owner" has to deal with a personal situation. However, I don't even know who that is and have no way of contacting them. If you know this individual, please kindly share their details with me privately or encourage them to reach me (while they have my personal information, I have none of theirs). This has stretched over the course of months and is quite a ridiculous situation hiding behind the illusion of a "professional company;" when in reality, the issues of one individual would not nullify or delay the fulfillment of a corporate contract (which I contributed my signature and personal information toward, but to which Clothing Drop gave no personal details of their / her own).

I'd also like to know if anyone has any suggestions on resources I can use to address this matter outside of the EGL community? I only have an email address and PO Box address associated with Clothing Drop, which seem to be little help in getting any authority involved. What about personal property insurance? Is this scenario of online theft covered? I feel I have my hands unjustly tied in this situation and am tired of simply waiting for my items to magically appear. Why does this anonymous service provider have more rights and freedoms than I do as a customer?

In essence, some individual of the EGL lolita community has possession of my consigned lolita closet, now against my request. They have not contacted me in close to a year despite my many attempts to reach out.
As such, I am asking for assistance in rectifying this matter. Firstly by identifying this individual within the community and taking appropriate action. Hoping for help from fellow lolitas. Thanks for reading.
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