Monthly Theme: What would you like to see in the future of lolita?

Dec 30, 2014 13:15

With the new AP and BTSSB fashion shows already showing us much of what will be released next year, we have a pretty good idea of what we'll be seeing released over the next few months from the main Japanese lolita brands. What series are you looking forward to?

Additionally, what would you like to see as lolita fashion continues to grow and evolve? Do you want a revival of OTT sweet? A return to old school? Or are you content with the direction it seems to be going in?

Please feel free to share your opinions! Personally, I would love to see more classic/gothic AaTP pieces like they had in 2009-2012. I feel like not much from them has spoken to me recently as much as a few of their older series have, though I loved Ragnarok and their Halloween series Guilty Meltin' Sweets Town, as they both much reminded me of AaTP style from the past. I'd also love to see a surge of OTT gothic.

discussion: favorites in lolita, theme: december, discussion: styles

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