debyfg in egl

Dear Lenore review: NEGATIVE

Feb 20, 2014 13:03

Hi everyone! So I came to share my experience with Dear Lenore.
I bought two pairs of ELISE SHOES (tps style) but never received it.
English is not my first language, so excuse some mistakes ;)

Dear Lenore Facebook page:

I'll just put it in a timeline to make it easier, our firts contact was in 2013:

Sep 21 - I sent a message asking for an estimate;
Sep 22 - She answered me with the price.

Then, I contacted her again in January 2014:

Jan 7 - I remembered her that we made contact on September and placed an order of two Elise Shoes, gave my paypal address and my shipping address, also I asked how much time it takes to be ready to ship and if I could get some pictures before she send it. She answered saying the usual time was 7 days afer payment, and that "of course we can send you pictures", then she asked which finishing I wanted. I answered and she invoiced me, but I explained that I would pay it just in Jan9th and asked for the shipping estimate, she said to Brazil was about 3 weeks ~ a month;
Jan 9 - Paid the invoice;
Jan 10 - She sent a message asking if I could cancel my payment and sent to another PP account 'cause she could not withdraw money from the account she invoiced me;
Jan 12 - I said I cound't ('cause It was already on my credit card) but that she could cancel our transaction and send another invoice from another account;
Jan 14 - I asked for a position about the shoes;
Jan 18 - I said was 9 days since payment, ans asked for info about the shoes;
Jan 23 - I asked again, saying was already 2 weeks since payment. Same day she asked me my shipping address (I already gave it when I placed my order, but ok...);
Jan 24 - I gave my shipping addreess (again) and asked for some pictures, since one pair of shoes was mine and the another one was my friend's I wanted to show her the pics;
Jan 28 - I asked if she had shipped it;
Jan 31 - I asked for the pictures;
Feb 3 - I said that was already 25 days since payment and that I would wait 24 hours for an answer, if I didn't get it I would open a Paypal dispute, 'cause as I said one pair was my friend's and her money was in the middle too, actually I was hoping she would sent me pics or a tracking number;
Feb 4 - Since I didn't  got an answer I opened a dispute and informed her, saying since we didn't  saw any pics we wanted the money back, after all, since she didn't sent any pics I suppose she didn't made the shoes
Then she updated her facebook page, but didn't answered me! So I commented on the picture she uploaded asking for a response and if she could stop avoiding me.
She answered me in private saying to send her my paypal address (she already had it right?) to send me a refund;
Feb 5 - Sent my pp address and asked when she would send the money;
Feb 7 - Asked for updates;
Feb 10 - I finally escalated the dispute to a claim, I must say that I sent lots of messages to her in the dispute, and she didn't answered even to paypal.
Feb 20 - I called paypal and since they got no answer from her they gave my money back.

I don't know what happened to her, since a friend of mine already bought with her last year and everything went smooth, but I definetely don't recommend Dear Lenore, if I knew she had such terrible customer service I would bought my tps from Secret Shop.

review product: shoes

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