Heart E order clarification/help?

Jan 06, 2014 17:35

Hi all,
I was just wondering if anyone has reserved or ordered a dress from Heart E and how their experience was? I found this entry (from 2005) and didn't find any information I could use in the comments. The website now takes paypal and lists 'outside Japan' in their shipping so I presume they now take overseas orders. I just reserved this dress with them and my Japanese skills aren't that great plus this is the first time I've tried reserving something. I can't seem to find a release date for the dress and from the email sent to me I gather that I don't have to make payment yet till they send a confirmation? Please let me know if I'm mistaken. Below I have pasted the email... If I could get some advice it would be very swell, thanks!

この度はご注文ありがとうございます。こちらは「Heart Eオンラインショップ」の自動返信メールとなります。


Thank you for your order for this time. This one becomes the automated reply "Heart E online shop". Please check Since I accept an order by the following contents.
To send in stock after confirmation of the order product is "an order confirmation email", will reply from us in 3-5 business days] from the date of order.

★ The order has not been determined during the current phase.
★ The order will be determined by "an order confirmation email". Because it will guide you there also various fees other than commodity price, please wait for a while mail to arrive from us your procedure you transfer etc..

*heart e, request: information, request: store recs/reviews

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