I'm so confused

Mar 04, 2013 19:27

I was browsing An*tai*na* yesterday and found these shoes that I absolutely LOVE. The problem is I don't know how I'll get the right ones. I want these closed toed sandal looking ones with a low wedge(?), but they have pictures of shoes with a higher wedge, a heel, or neither, and some of them look a bit different. (Some lace up, some don't; some are opened toed, others closed ect.) And the only colors are in pink or blue, and I'd love them in plain white. So, how do I get the right ones and do you think they'd make them in white? (These ones, http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.17-152061824.26.PqpNca&id=6852834625& The tenth picture is what I want) Google didn't help much, most of it was for thai food. Oh! One more thing, do they take Hong Kong Dollars or chinese yen? So sorry for all the questions.

store: an tai na, request: information

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