I was browsing An*tai*na* yesterday and found these shoes that I absolutely LOVE. The problem is I don't know how I'll get the right ones. I want these closed toed sandal looking ones with a low wedge(?), but they have pictures of shoes with a higher wedge, a heel, or neither, and some of them look a bit different. (Some lace up, some don't; some are opened toed, others closed ect.) And the only colors are in pink or blue, and I'd love them in plain white. So, how do I get the right ones and do you think they'd make them in white? (These ones,
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.17-152061824.26.PqpNca&id=6852834625& The tenth picture is what I want) Google didn't help much, most of it was for thai food. Oh! One more thing, do they take Hong Kong Dollars or chinese yen? So sorry for all the questions.