Nov 26, 2012 19:07
My first question might help more people than just myself... I remember a while back there was a post on translating Japanese clothing tags. (like the washing instructions) I thought it was in the memories, but I can't seem to find it. Does anyone else have the link saved somewhere? If someone has it, I would recommend a mod add it to the memories.
I would also like to know if anyone has washed Baby, the Stars Shine Bright's "Alice and her Black Cat" print in pink in a washing machine. I washed the purse with no negative effects, but the purse doesn't have the brown bits on it, so I'm too nervous to try the skirt. I've cleaned it with Dryell successfully probably more than a dozen times, but even though it's not noticeably stained or smelly, I feel like it's time for a deeper clean.
request: information,
discussion: clothing care