Taobao review, Late Spring - Fall 2012

Nov 24, 2012 05:43

Good Morning,

I have a large taobao review up on my public livejournal here.  I believe it is too large to post directly to the comm.  Please click on the cuts in the journal instead of clicking on the title to save you from all the text and photos in one go.

Review includes: Kidsyoyo, Dear Celine, Akane&Alois, Yolanda, Surface Spell, HMHM, R-Series, Seasons, ISOS, Wheat House, etc.

Have a great weekend all and thank you for your time.

*hmhm, review product: blouses/cutsews, review product: legwear, review product: bloomers/petticoats, review product: dresses, *chess story, *classical puppet, review product: shoes, review: shopping service, *kidsyoyo, review product: wigs, *dear celine, *loris, review product: accessories, review product: coats/capes, *surface spell, *r series, review product: headwear, review service: shopping service, review product: cardigans/boleros

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